Catching up with Fenella Langridge on her 2022 season

Parcours athlete Fenella Langridge concluded her incredible 2022 season at the Ironman World Championships in Kona a few weeks ago. Now back in the UK, we caught up with her to chat through her season, how she feels it went and what her favourite races of the year were. 

How was the 2022 season for you?

Well it’s been a long year, and I have almost forgotten all the places we have been and the races we have done. So let's start by unfolding the year:

March- Mallorca Camp

April- Challenge Salou WIN 

April- Mallorca Camp

May- Ironman World Champs St George 8th 

May- Challenge Championship 4th 

June- Home training 

July- Challenge Roth 2nd 

July- PTO Tour Edmonton DNF

August- Home training

September - PTO Tour Dallas DNF

October- Ironman World championship KONA 6th

October- Challenge Mallorca 3rd 

As an athlete you sometimes only see the results. And as 2022 goes it was full of some GREAT results and performance, but, I feel the greatest take away from the year making it a good one was all the experience and learning we gained. So much to build on for 2023 and beyond!

What was the highlight of the year?

Challenge Roth was bloody amazing, the atmosphere and the friends we made. 

But I also have to mention leading the Ironman World Championships in Kona, that was a pretty special moment.

Of course, it was pretty special watching it too! How did it feel leading Ironman World Champs on the bike in Kona?

It was definitely a slight pinch myself moment…but because of my previous DNF in a couple of races this year I just embraced it and really enjoyed it! It was so cool and I just had a lot of fun.

What was the atmosphere like in Kona? Did it compare to Roth?

This is a hard one, they are both so unique and special. The build up, the hype and volume of people at Kona made it feel special and important too. However, nothing really compares to the course and support in Roth, that was WAY better!

How did you deal with the tougher moments during the season?

Cry, get angry and then make a plan. Because unfortunately crying and anger doesn't make the situation any better. I had to concentrate on the things I could control and sometimes that was just my own happiness.

Have you enjoyed racing your Parcours #thinkwider aero range wheels this year?

Yes, 100%! When you have trust in a product and can actually feel the comfort and speed when racing and heading into the run leg, you're already winning.

Are you excited about next season yet or just taking time to enjoy some downtime?

I am soooo excited, I really am. BUT if i am honest i haven't thought about next season whatsoever yet. OFF season has been a real escape from all things SWIM BIKE RUN!

It was amazing to watch Fenella’s season this year, with the highlight for us cheering her home for 6th in Kona. We can’t wait to hear what plans she has in store for 2023!