Parcours’ 'Watts for Trees' Black Friday initiative
As a business that is 100% reliant on carbon, we believe it is important to acknowledge our carbon footprint and make a difference where we can as in today’s world it is impossible to ignore the increased awareness and the urgency needed to tackle climate change. A year ago, we partnered with Ecologi, to help the business move closer to becoming “Climate Positive” and since then, 8k trees have been planted through the scheme.
To put this into context, if you buy a Strade wheelset, that’s 17 trees that will be planted. Even if we don’t have aero data for a wheelset (e.g. our gravel wheels), we’ll still plant 10 trees for every set purchased. By doing this, we hope (and expect) to be planting tens of thousands of trees and helping to fund a wide range of carbon reduction projects.
This Black Friday, and for the week following, we will be increasing our effort and doubling our ‘Watts for Trees’ campaign for each purchase, enhancing Parcours environmental impact.
This means that for every wheelset bought from the 25th November until the 2nd December, not only will Parcours customers be riding and racing just that little bit faster, but they will also be contributing to the fight against climate change. By doing this, we hope to continue planting trees and helping to fund a wide range of carbon reduction projects with Ecologi.
You won’t see us raising and dropping prices around dates like Black Friday as we’ve chosen to push our pricing to be as affordable as possible all year round. So you can be confident in buying a set of wheels at a time that suits you, rather than feeling rushed into a decision because of a “sale”.
You can follow our progress and the overall impact that Parcours is having here