We have a winner - Pep is going to #TakeParcoursToKona
Back at the start of the year, we asked triathletes out there if they had what it took to #TakeParcoursToKona. Several stepped up to try and now we have one who made it.
Pep van Overeem clocked an impressive 10:04 (including a very strong 5:33 bike split) at Ironman UK to book his ticket to the Big Island in October. Pep was riding on a Parcours Passista/Disc setup for what is known as one of the most challenging bike courses out there.
Qualification was the culmination of 4 years of hard work for Jersey-based Pep, who only completed his first triathlon back in early 2015.
We caught up with him a few days after Bolton to find out how his race unfolded:
"The day started with early morning drizzle and heavy cloud cover. Not too good of a start since my Parcours wheels had never seen the rain before.
The swim was pretty straightforward, the water temperature was perfect at 18 degrees. Not too much shoving and I only got slapped in the face once.
The bike started off quite chilly and I was glad I took my arm warmers out of my transition bag. The first thing I noticed was that my power meter reading was off. I tried a few times to reset it but without succes. I had no cadence and no power data. I had to ride just on feel and heart rate. I was eating at steady intervals and feeling good. The Parcours Disc wheel seemed to propel me forward on some of the crosswinds on the course. Paired with the Passista on the front, it was the perfect combination for race day!
The sun shone on the run which provided the perfect running temperature. The crowd support along the course was incredible! I could maintain my goal pace on the first two-thirds of the run without going into the red. The final third took more effort but after the last uphill I knew I could tough out the last remaining kilometres to finish the marathon with a PB.
I was absolutely over the moon to qualify for Kona and cannot wait for October to be here."
We'll be checking in with Pep again later in the summer to find out how his Kona prep is going, then following all the action out in Hawaii in October