Maddy Nutt on her season so far

Parcours athlete Maddy Nutt has been clocking up her air miles as she jets around the world racing gravel. Having had a fantastic season so far we thought it would be time to find out a bit more about what she's been up to, her plans for the rest of the season and if she has any off season plans! 
How has your season been so far? 
I’ve had such a fun season so far this year! I’ve luckily had more ups than downs, so overall I’m really happy with how my racing has been going. I’ve definitely had some results beyond my expectations!
You’ve been doing a lot of travelling, how do you make sure you’re ready to race after such long flights etc.? 
I’ve got a little bit better this year at recovering around travel. It’s definitely a challenge! I try and make sure my travel day is as stress free as possible, and I make sure to try and relax as much as possible where I can. I’ve also started trying to get to races earlier to give myself time to get over the fatigue caused by travel. 
How many countries have you raced in so far this year? 
A lot! I’ve raced a crossed 3 different continents and 9 countries! 
You’ve been targeting the Earth Gravel Series this year, what are the races like and how to they differ from other series such as the Lifetime GP? 
The Gravel Earth Series races are endurance gravel races, with most of the series really focusing on longer more challenging races and points in the series being allocated to the difficulty of the race. The Lifetime grand prix in the US consists of half MTB and half gravel races, so is more suited to a rider who specialises in both. There are then also lots of other gravel races, some which are part of the UCI series which are usually shorter and more intense and which also count towards gaining points for the World Championships. 
How do you balance training and such an intense race/travel schedule? 
Sometimes I find it pretty hard to get my training in, especially when I have part-time work or when I’m travelling a lot. I’ve found that the best way for me to get it in is to really prioritise it, but this does mean sometimes I miss out (particularly on social occasions). I also often have to decide whether to prioritise sleep or training when I’m particularly busy, and will base this decision on how I’m feeling fatigue wise at that particular time.

What’s been your season highlight so far? 
Without a doubt my trip to Kenya for the Migration Gravel Race. It was a once in a lifetime experience! The challenge of the race made it so satisfying to complete (and do well in!). I also thrived off the stage format of the race and the challenge this added. Also, how can I not say Kenya when I raced past zebras and giraffes! 
What is your biggest goal for the rest of the season? 
My eyes are set on a podium in the gravel earth series. I'm currently in 2nd position with only 2 races left in the series, I’d be super happy to finish off the season on the podium. 
What wheels have you been running for your races this year, how have they been? 
I’ve been running a mix between the Altas and the Ronde wheels. As my races are so close back to back, I often have been switching bikes without time to set up new tyres. My solution to this is setting up one set of wheels with narrower tyres and the other with a wider set for rougher races. I’ve got on super well with both sets! I feel very confident on Parcours wheels and feel they are super robust even in the most extreme terrain. 

Have you got any off season plans?
My off season is currently a bit unsure as there is a chance I’ll extend my season for a block of racing in Mexico in November. If I decide to end my season earlier than this then I’ll go to South Africa with my partner and her family, as I’ve never been and this is where they are all from. It’s a great location for some time off the bike, as there will be a huge amount to see and do. I’m also super keen to head out to the slopes somewhere for some skiing, as I’ve not managed to fit this into my plans for the past 3 years!